Sunday, March 3, 2013

on disability theory

Tonight I am lonely, so I am reading disability theory. I’ve been trying, over the past year or so, to read as much theory as I can. I want to be better informed, be a better advocate, be a better friend and ally to others in the disability communities facing different circumstances than mine, but above all I read disability theory because it validates me. It makes me feel less alone. Reading theory has helped me articulate the way I felt all through high school when people told me I didn’t look sick, discomfort and confusion giving way to clarity and anger. Reading theory gives me mighty words with which to tell people that their ideas are ableist, that their policies are discriminatory. Reading theory helps me understand my oppression, and leads me to the intersections of disability and other social identities. Reading theory connects me to the disability community. It gives me confidence. It gives me power.

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